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Session Proposals

Our community thrives on dialogue and shared experiences, celebrating in the opportunity to grow together. Community-led sessions feature the unique and beautiful experiences, knowledge, and passions from our members, and allow us to strengthen our connections with one another. We invite any who are interested in presenting a breakout session to submit a proposal for consideration.

Proposal / Session Guidelines

We are looking for more than the typical sit-and-listen or coma-by-powerpoint sessions. Out In Faith looks to offer opportunities that highlight dialogue, interaction, and a focus on community learning and engagement. How will you inspire your session participants? What do you want them to walk away thinking? What will they remember a week or a month from now?

Out In Faith will feature two session groups the afternoon of Saturday, March 19. Sessions should be one hour in length, and include plenty of opportunities for questions and discussion.

All sessions should connect to one or more of the focus areas for our 2022 event:

  • Building Meaningful Community & Relationships
  • Living Authentically
  • Faith & Spirituality

Proposals should be submitted no later than January 15, 2022. For questions or assistance, please contact

Session Proposal Application

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